
page 365 | 2022 ver.

by - December 31, 2022


We made itttt! The year’s almost over and I literally do not want it to end. I haven’t really posted much cause of school and me low key forgetting I have a blog (sorry jiejie) so I will attempt to write one last post of the year to fill the gap on my blog. As the last post of the year, I’m going to talk about my most enjoyed reads of 2022 and pair them up with songs that I think would fit well with the main characters or overall vibe of the book cause why not! I did manage to read 50 books which was less than I read last year but not bad, especially since I kept finding myself in reading slumps. I’m going to shut up now so grab some bubble tea and let’s chat about the books that emotionally scarred me!

ace of spades by faridah àbíké-íyímídé
when we were kids by twice

First up, Ace of Spades. Hello we meet again! I think this was the first book review I wrote in 2022 and this book still gives me the chills everytime I think about it. The story follows two Black kids in “a very prestigious and very white school” who suddenly find themselves the targets of a weird mysterious person called Aces who’s revealing their darkest secrets for the whole school to see. Now doesn’t that sound like a fun time. This book talks about a so many serious topics and really enhances them while still being an amazing thriller novel. I don’t have a specific character to pair up a song with but I think the song “When We Were Kids” by Twice matches pretty well with the overall vibes of the book. The song reminiscents about the past and how things were when they were kids. I think Chi and Devon would find some comfort in that song after all they’ve been through. Twice’s vocals and ability to convey emotions through their songs is no joke people.

you've reached sam by dustin thao
eight by iu

Next up we have the first book of 2022 that made me cry: You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao! It follows a girl who’s life is consumed by grief after her boyfriend passes away in a car accident. She becomes so desperate to hear his voice again so she calls him and to her surprise, dun dUn DUNN, he picks up. This book was absolutely heartbreaking and I loved the portrayal of grief in Julie, especially with how some people treat those who are grieving after some time. In short words, this book was depressing and makes me feel chronically single. And what better song to pair this depresso espresso book than with “eight” by IU! The song talks about precious memories and wanting to go back to the past to stay in them, something Julie would definitely relate to. A depressing song with a depressing book! How fitting. Now excuse me while I go get my blankets and embrace my depresso espresso self.

starfish by akemi dawn bowman
stronger by wjsn (sung by dawon and yeonjung)

Oh would you look at that! The next book is also depressing af and also scarred me! Shocker. Yes, I’m talking about Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman because don’t I just love a book that scars the living heck out of me. The novel follows Kiko and her journey to accepting herself for who she is whilst also gaining the confidence to speak her mind. This book quite literally paints inspiration in your head and smacks a whole butt ton of feels right in your face. “Stronger”, sung by WJSN’s Dawon and Yeonjung, comes with an encouraging message that you can overcome any challenges and difficulties in your life. And that I think, is exactly the message Kiko needed to hear. Her struggle in standing up to her verbally abusive mother was one of the main conflicts in the book and in the end, was the most satisfying character developments/growth I’ve read this year.

the sacrifice by rin chupeco
maison by dreamcatcher

The next book surprisngly didn’t make me cry but rather, it gave me the chills. Ladies and gents, make  way for The Sacrifice by Rin Chupeco! This book was creepy in all the best ways possible and I am never going near a tree again. Also ghosts are real. The story opens up with a film crew from the US here to flim a ghost hunting documentary thingy on a deserted island in the Philippines. They meet Alon, a local teen who seems to have a special relationship with the island and warns the crew to stay away if they know whats good for them. And in a very Hollywood fashion with entitled celebrities and white men, they ignore Alon’s warning. With Alon agreeing to be their tour guide, the crew begin to settle down but the island’s little horrors begin showing themselves one by one. Cue the scary shit. Wow would you look at that, there’s conveniently a song called “Maison” by Dreamcatcher! The lyrics are literally “save my home in the jungle” and “please someone fight for us”, if this isn’t fate then I don’t know what is. On the serious side, this book was really good and I do highly recommend it. Oh and stan Dreamcatcher.

foul lady fortune by chloe gong
sour grapes by le sserafim 

And the final book to wrap up 2022 with a smile is none other than Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong. I literally loved These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends so much and this book did not dissapoint. The book picks off with Rosalind Lang, Juliette’s cousin, who’s now an kick butt assasin and due to some mysterious experiment that saved her life, can’t die. Cue the double and triple agents and a captivating story that exploded my tiny pea brain. I low key don’t know who the antagonist is anymore but who cares; I’m just here for Rosalind and Orion and the scarce adorable moments we get from the other couples in this book. I paired Rosalind up with the song “Sour Grapes” by Le Sserafim since the song is literally her towards Orion and I’m absolutely living for it. “Sour Grapes” is a song about wanting to avoid love in fear that it’s not as sweet as the person imagines it to be. Safe to say that this song is basically Rosalind in a nutshell but not for long! Now go read this work of art right now.

And that’s a wrap! This year has honestly been a roller coaster of a ride with many amazing, tear-inducing memories made and I hope that’ll continue into the following year. If anything, this is just another reminder that I’m oLd. Happy new year!! Let’s make this year more beautiful than the last.

What was your favorite book you read in 2022?

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  1. wow you're alive!!! O _ O i still need to read foul lady fortune but maison for the sacrifice is perfect!

    riv @ dearrivarie
