contact me

contact me! 

instagram: @bookedwbobaa 

goodreads: @saoirse

twitter: @bookedwboba

if you ever need to contact me, feel free to shoot me a dm on instagram! that's where i'll be most likely to respond considering i am a social media addict gen-z <33

rating system

1 boba drink: didn't enjoy at all, wouldn't recommend 

2 boba drinks: liked some parts but overall didn't really enjoy, wouldn't really recommend but might 

3 boba drinks: decent, didn't have much thoughts, would recommend 

3.5 boba drinks: above average, more enjoyable, would recommend 

4 boba drinks: really enjoyed, would definitely recommend

4.5 boba drinks: loved, highly recommend, most likely screeched while reading 

5 boba drinks: one of my all time favorites, would 10000% reread, probably made me cry or made me feel some sort of very strong emotion, highly possible screeching, very highly recommend