
page 365 | 2023 ver.

by - December 31, 2023


GUYS WE DID IT AGAIN!!! 2024 IS COMING BUT WAIT THAT MEANS I GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL IN A YEAR—oh shit. Wow I am old. Okay moving on!! As you may remember last year, I created an end of year post to both fill in the gap on my blog because I had like a 6 month gap in between my posts thanks to school kicking my ass and because I thought that it would be a fun way to end the year with something I consider my signature post: pairing my top books of 2023 with a song that I think would go well with the overall vibes, would fit well with the characters, or match the theme of the book pretty well. Despite having some reading slumps, I still managed to read 50 books (might be 51 by the time I post this because I’m currently halfway through one right now but maybe not so we’ll see) throughout 2023 and boy do I have a lot to say about my favorites of this year. So grab some boba and listen up while I rant about my absolutely beloved (but still traumatizing) reads of 2023!

the honeys by ryan la sala
dream by seventeen

First up, The Honeys by Ryan La Sala. Looking back I’m actually not that surprised considering this book was creepy as hell and did the usual of scarring the living shit out of me to the point where I literally cannot look at honey the same again. The story follows Mars, who after his twin sisters death, wants to follow in her footsteps by attending the same prestigious summer academy she had attended for years. But the longer Mars stays, the more certain he is that there’s something more sinister happening behind the scenes and the more desperate he becomes to uncover the truth. This book was creepy as hell and I loved it. The vibes were so magical so I think Seventeen’s Japanese comeback Dream is quite fitting. The overall vibe and lyrics of the song give off such dreamy (lol pun intended) and magical feels that matches the book quite well. Honestly, this is only 1 out of the way too many beloved books of 2023 but I would highly recommend it considering it gave me the heebie jeebies and I am still very much scarred!

everyone wants to know by kelly loy gilbert 
story by astro's mj

Next up is actually a book that pissed me the hell off when I read it but had morals that hit a little too close to home which unfortunately means that as much as this book made me angry, it was still so fricking good. So the lovely book I’m talking about is Everyone Wants to Know by Kelly Loy Gilbert which follows Honor who’s desperately trying to fix her broken in the spotlight family. Long story short: everyone in this family fricking sucked. Except for Atticus. He semi-restored my faith in humanity. But everyone else? Y’all suck. I actually don’t remember much considering I read this in August but I do remember that Kelly Loy Gilbert wrote this toxic and broken family that made me so mad I wanted to throw hands but also had family values that were so grounded it shouldn’t be possible to be so toxic. Honor’s willing to do whatever it takes for her family and that was the main problem. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what song to pair with this but I inevitably settled upon choosing Story by ASTRO’s MJ. Story discusses moving on and opening up a new chapter within your own story which honestly fits the ending of this book quite well. In the end, the only way to truly heal from that broken mess is to restart and try to live with that lesson in mind. Also everyone in this book needed so much goddamn therapy Jesus Christ.

when we were infinite by kelly loy gilbert 
memories of summer rain by weeekly 

Up next is unsurprisingly, another Kelly Loy Gilbert book which my dumb potato self decided it would be a good idea to read over the summer and unsurprisingly (again) got traumatized! I really have to stop doing that to myself good lord. The beautifully traumatizing book I’m talking about is When We Were Infinite and the story follows Beth who’s entire world comes crumbling down when witnessing something private about one of her closest friend’s personal lives. Now, it’s all she can do to keep their friend group from falling apart. It’s clear she’s willing to go any lengths for her friends, but the question ultimately becomes how far is she really willing to go and how much of herself is she willing to give up for them? This book hurt. Like a lot. When my older sister read this, she told me she wanted to hate the main character so much because Beth reminded her too much of herself and when I read the book, I could see why. Beth’s emotions are a hot mess throughout the book. Being in her head was absolutely exhausting which is ironic because similar to my sister, a shit ton of Beth’s irrational feelings mirrored my own and that alone both frustrated and hurt me. I completely understood her standpoint at times; the desperateness to keep her friends close when it’s obvious that they’re all about to go on their own paths. I think that’s the one thing we tend to take for granted with our friends these days. I’m lucky enough to see them everyday and have several close people who care about me but that’s only because I’m still in high school and currently it’s going by in a blink of an eye. I feel like freshman year was literally yesterday but I’m quite literally halfway done with junior year already. That panicked feeling of losing her friends is something I can painfully understand, especially when she relied on them so heavily. However, Beth’s reconciliation with her own insecurities eventually help her to heal and accept the future with open arms in order to build a better one for herself. I was actually debating between two songs for this but I think the song Memories of Summer Rain by the group Weeekly fit pretty well with Beth and her beautiful character development throughout the book. The song’s lyrics offer a bittersweet reminiscing message and I think Beth would absolutely be listening to this song with a smile on her face remembering all the good memories she’s made with her best friends. Holy shit I wrote a whole ass essay for this book. If I had time I swear I would’ve written a whole ass post for this but I’m probably planning on retruamatized myself by visiting this book again so I might as well write one in the future though this basically covered mostly everything. I think. Well, this just goes to show how much this book absolutely destroyed me and now I think I need therapy. 

foul heart huntsman by chloe gong 
to you by seventeen 

Next up is a book by an author I have previously mentioned adoring as her previous book in this sequel duology came up on my 2022 wrapped and now fittingly, the second book is here too. I present: Foul Heart Huntsman by Chloe Gong! I literally cannot go one review that’s not about a specific book without mentioning her I swear but it’s only because I am now severely attached to all the characters in the Shanghai Crew; new additions and all. Earlier this month I posted a review for this book so I’m not going to talk too much about about this book considering I basically word vomited my thoughts on my post so go check that out if you want to hear more about the characters that I am forever going to hold near and dear to my heart. Foul Heart Huntsman is the second and final book to the Secret Shanghai universe and I think I believe in love again. This book was mf’ing adorable and I loved it. I swear Chloe Gong just has that effect because every single one of these beautiful characters got the happy ending they deserved and for that I’m eternally happy and am crying in my singleness. I think it’s kinda fitting that I pair up my favorite song of all time with I think what has to be one of my favorite books of all time: To You by Seventeen. The song is honestly just happy feels and that is way more than what the crew deserves. The lyrics talk about wanting to place all the smiles in that one person’s hand; to give them everything just like that person had done for them. You tell me that’s not fitting for all these cute ass couples and I’ll tell you that you’re depressing af. They’d do anything for each other and I have never felt so chronically single now so I will sit here and sob in despair as I reread this for the nth time so let them continue being lovey dovey while we can take our single asses onto to the next book!

all for the game series by nora sakavic
f*ck my life by seventeen 

When I said next book I really meant next books because the next book(s) on my list actually scarred me and I swear they magically induced me or something because there’s no fricking way I can get so attached to these characters and storyline despite it being so poorly written at times right..? Wrong. I was so utterly wrong. Soo I made the questionable decision to pick this trilogy up after watching Leonie from Youtube channel The Book Leo review all the books and question her sanity for 2 hours straight. After reading this series I can also confidently say I too questioned my sanity while I read these books because I swear there were so many flaws but at the same time it was such a well done execution of the found family trope that I was literally sucked into the storyline and inevitably am now too attached to these characters so thanks a lot author. Alright, enough stalling. Let met introduce you to one of my favorite series this year: the All For the Game series by Nora Sakavic. Every single one of the books gave me so much anxiety and I swear this is something that everyone who has read the book can agree on: the series is terrible and we’re all hooked. I don’t know if I can seriously recommend this to anyone considering I know how cringy it was but how quickly I got hooked onto the story and became attached to the characters. I am honestly hilarious because I took one look at my playlist and knew instantly what song to pair every single book in this trilogy and every single depressing ass character in these books. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: F*ck My Life or FML for short by Seventeen. Yes I am a genius thank you very much. Every single character in this goddamn series needs so much therapy and has some traumatic backstory complete with some sort of mental issue and a kinda shitty personality but its okay because I love them anyway. And I think Neil would agree with the earnest desire to fight for his life, especially now that he’s found something worth fighting for <3 Oh I am so writing a series review about this I swear. 

percy jackson and the chalice of the gods
9-teen by seventeen 

Last but certainly not least, is a book that took me on a trip down memory lane: the fan-favorite Percy Jackson and The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan!! Guys Uncle Rick is back and I now feel older than ever because I literally picked up the OG series when I was like 10 and I am now crying because the original trio is back and kicking ass in the most sarcastic way possible. I loved seeing Persassy Jackson, Annabeth “Wise Girl” Chase and Grover “G-man” Underwood back in action again except severely traumatized because Uncle Rick said so in Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo! So now the Golden Trio is back trying to help poor Percy get rec letters to college because of course the gods can’t leave him alone and I have missed this so much. The snarky remarks, sarcastic senses of humors, and just the comforting sense of warmth that this series brings. The entire PJO franchise will always be home to me as the original series that got me into reading in the first place. Look I know that I’ve literally paired literally almost every single book with a Seventeen song but they’re my ult groups and I just have a shit ton of a their songs in my playlist right now so shush. That being said, I think the song 9-teen matches the book pretty well considering the song explores the youthful themes of companionship and the courage to pursue dreams together which honestly just fits the trio so well. They’re each others nineteen and so much more; I could not be more happy to see them back in action but please Uncle Rick give them a break already for crying out loud. (ALSO YES I KNOW THE NEW DISNEY+ PJO SERIES IS OUT. NO I HAVE NOT WATCHED IT I’M WAITING TO WATCH IT WITH MY FRIEND BUT SHE’S BUSY AND WE’RE STILL TRYING TO WORK OUT ON A TIME SO NO SPOILERS PLEASE AND THANK YOU. AND YES IM SO FREAKING EXCITED TO WATCH IT I HEARD ITS REALLY GOOD AHHHHDKJFDLSKFJKLD)

And that’s a wrap! I genuinely cannot believe that this year is almost over; it feels like a fever dream honestly. It’s honestly been a crazy roller coaster of a ride with many tears, laughters, and beautiful memories made along the way that I hope will continue in the year to come. I seriously cannot believe I’m almost done with high school because ew, that's horrifying. But I do suppose starting a new page for the new year will be much anticipated for. 
Happy New Year!!! Let’s make this year more beautiful than the last.

what were your favorite books in 2023?

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  1. lowkey my eyes hurt reading these ESSAYS but also AMEN to all the KLG books, I'm still not emotionally recovered

    riv @ dearrivarie.com

    1. are my essays worth a's now???
      i don't think im ready to read when picture us in the light yet because im still truamatized by when we were infinite :,)
